ONE PIECE FILLER LIST : Many anime and manga series reach their 200th or 300th episode, but one piece is unique in its own way because it has reached the 800 mark. The show follows the story of Luffy and his Nakama who set out on a dangerous journey to fulfill Luff’s dream and become the best ever pirate in the world.

Why it’s even needed?

It’s been 20 years since one piece fillers started and for 20 years we got an excellent storyline with well-built characters who are loved by all over the globe. In order to keep its quality high, without making you feel bored, fillers were introduced. Although there were many other reasons why fillers were produced which you can read up if you want to know more about the one-piece fillers.

How they are different from Canon episodes?

The one thing that makes a filler episode different from a canon one is its storyline, which is usually unrelated to the main storyline. The characters and their costumes look a little different but you can still recognize them as those of Luffy’s team. In most cases, if it wasn’t for those three-star or above bagels, then it won’t be possible to distinguish whether an episode is a canon one or not.

What kind of fillers?

There are five kinds of fillers in One Piece; Intros, Transitions, Bridge Episodes/Bounties, Sagas, and Filler Arcs. Every one of these fillers has offered an excellent opportunity for the writers to explore new characters, gain deeper understanding about the main characters, or create some hilarious situations. The Intro Fillers are short clips that play before you watch an actual canon episode.
These kinds of fillers give you information about an upcoming arc like stronger enemies who will appear in the next arc to make it more difficult for Luffy and his nakama to defeat them. The intro filler gives you an insight into what kind of powers they possess so that it can prepare you mentally to face those enemies which makes it easier for you! Remember during Water 7 one piece Arc when Franky told Nami he wanted her to see something? That was an intro filler and it gave you a little insight about what Water 7 Island was all about and why Franky wanted to show Nami that before the canon episode started.

One Piece Filler List Transitions

In order to keep you interested in one piece, transitions are produced which take you into another arc or story. It shows how Sanji’s nakama escape from the clutches of CP9 at Enies Lobby and follow their individual paths before converging back. This particular transition took place during the time-skip where they fight bravely against strong enemies like Marines, World Government Agents, Pirates, Cipher Pol No. 9 but still manage to survive!

One Piece Filler List Bridge Episodes/Bounties

Bridge Episodes are those that take place during the canon episodes to bridge them together. They usually have no bearing on the main storyline except for one where Buggy tried to escape from Keanu’s pursuit by hiding inside a ship full of gold. Although it had nothing to do with Luffy or his Nakama, at least it gave us something to laugh about!

One Piece Filler List Sagas

Sagas are arcs that aren’t related to One Piece Canon but involve original material. It involves some new characters who possess strange powers and Luffy manages to save everyone in the end. This is pretty much similar to fillers but sagas are more focused on these strange people whose abilities are powerful enough that they can defeat even the most dangerous enemies. Like for example, there’s a filler episode where people with strange abilities were seen flying through the air and defying gravity!

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One Piece Filler List Filler Arcs

Filler Arcs are the real deal! These kinds of arcs still manage to keep you entertained and focused on what’s happening. Usually, it involves some kind of story about Luffy and his Nakama fighting against stronger enemies like Ocean Dragons or super rookies who managed to achieve their dream of becoming pirates just like Luffy once did.

It’s time for me to thank you for reading this article and giving me a chance share one of my hobbies with you all! If you’re interested in checking out some other anime & manga series because one piece filler list isn’t your cup of tea then here are some suggestions – [Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, Fairy Tale] that may interest you too because they also contain fillers but not as many as Oda’s magnum opus.

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